Our Biggest Fears
What are you really afraid of?
Most people are afraid of something. There are, however, those who will tell you they are afraid of nothing. Here are some of the most common fears of people in general:
- Public Speaking;
- Heights;
- Snakes;
- Spiders;
- Needles;
- Flying;
- Enclosed Space;
- Darkness;
- Failure.
From the above list, I believe I am afraid of at least four of them. Snake make me extremely weak in the knees, except when I am running from them. Heights make me squeamish in the stomach. Enclosed space makes me want to go ballistic. And failure just makes me feel useless.
The thing about fears is that they cause physical and emotional symptoms. Fears can make your stomach, head, back, legs, etc. hurt. It can also paralyze you emotionally so you can’t think, feel, or respond. What are you afraid of?
I often wonder what we are afraid of spiritually. Are we afraid of how big God really is? Are we afraid of how different we might become if we really let Jesus into our hearts? Are we afraid that we might actually have to do something if God is in control? Are we afraid of the intimacy in relationships that are part of the communal faith? Are we afraid of the unknown of allowing only God’s will to be done?
Paul tells us in II Timothy 1:7, “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love, and of a sound mind.” God wants us to be bold in our approach to him, to life, and to sharing the Gospel. If God is for us, who can be against us? We have to secret to rid ourselves of fear. That secret is really no secret at all. It is simply a relationship with God through his son Jesus.
My prayer is that we all ask for boldness in our lives for Christ. We need it today more than ever. Ask God to help you.
All things for Christ,
Michael W. Ross