Beyond Our Boundaries - Ephesians 3:20-21

Once your mind is expanded, it can never go back to its original size.

Location: Cross Lanes, West Virginia, United States

I am the minister for the Cross Lanes Church of Christ in Cross Lanes, WV.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Do we get it or not?

I am constantly struggling with the distinction between religion and discipleship. I know that the two are related but at the same time they are separate. Which makes my struggle even more difficult.

I am more convinced each day that we don't quite get it. Jesus called us to such a radical lifestyle that is counter to the world, that we don't want it or we just don't get it. Most churches and church people are religious without being disciples. Now, I know that is a generalization, but I get caught up in the religious practice instead of disciple practice myself so I am indicting myself. I don't feel guilty, I just know that I am covered by the grace of God and strive to understand the lifestyle that Jesus called me to. Difficult? Yes. Impossible? No. Just a constant battle with myself to be aligned with the mission of Jesus.

Where are you in this? Do you struggle? Am I in this alone? If you are reading this blog, let me know your thoughts.

Have a great day!


Blogger Jim Gardner said...


You're right, unfortunately. We have a way of taking the hard sayings of Jesus and sanitizing them so that the sting of living as Jesus within our culture is more comfortable. Rather than taking the Sermon on the Mount at face value and trying to live up to the standard to which Jesus calls us, we have this sneaky tendency of "dumbing down" the demands of discipleship, making it possible to be a Christian without ever becoming a true Christ-follower, a true disciple.

Try as I might, I cannot excise John's words from Scripture: "whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did" (1 John 2.6). That walk will force me to stand out in the crowd because there are just some things about living as Jesus did that don't fit the dominant culture of our day.

Stay strong in calling people out of the cultural models that so mold us and into the image of Jesus for which we were created.

Sunday, October 1, 2006 at 10:21:00 AM GMT-5  
Blogger Michael said...


Thanks for the comment. I wished you lived closer so we could go to lunch once a week and talk. Maybe I need to visit Fresno, CA soon.

Hope the Spiritual Growth workshop was successful. I know it was.

Have a great week.

Monday, October 2, 2006 at 10:50:00 AM GMT-5  

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